Gitex 2011 – Day 1

Day 1 at Gitex 2011

The excitement begins. As usual Gitex management has setup issues. No matter how many years they do this, there is rarely one where everything will fall in place correctly. It is either no electricity, no internet connection, wrong signage, odd placement, etc.

This year, as usual, they made sure that all of the above was committed.

We started off with no electricity and then when we got electricity, they immediately had a few bulbs blow out (!)

No internet connection since they really couldn’t figure out that this was Gitex and all stands are IT stands that need connectivity. To them we all might as well be selling underwear.

UCS at Gitex 2011

The best of all is our stand. We have been assigned stand number MAC 60, but we arrive at the venue and find out they have numbered it MAC 81, just because they felt they like it and were not bother to inform us. I am sure all the marketing we sent out and people we invited will just stumble upon us magically.

Let’s hope day 2 is better. Stay tuned!

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